Why dispassion is so important?


[[Radhika Nagpal]] 不认为要有更多的勇气去做,而是本应该去做。It’s a dispassion. 相反,要降低奖励,使得风险变低。

“Congratulations. Now you can do all the things you’ve always wanted to, take risk, take an easier pace, and have fun”. My answer was: “I’ve always done what I wanted to”. And its true. ^^But its not because I have extra courage. Rather, by demoting the prize, the risk becomes less.^^ People will say: you can do xyz after you get tenure. But if I am not here for tenure, then that doesn’t apply! I don’t have to worry about being so brave. I’m allowed to have fun now.

  • 查理认为: #book-reading #productivity-boost 激励的作用是非常强大的,是人类认知和行为的控制器 w.r.t [[B: mungerPoorCharlieAlmanack2005]]

  • James Clear

  • [[Barbara Oakley]] [[C: Learning How to learn]] WEEK 4 中提到

    • 当你是一个年轻人的时候,你很自然地对你做的事情兴奋。掌握 dispassion 可能会困难

    When you’re a young person, mastering such dispassion can be difficult. We’re naturally excited about what we’re working on, and we like to believe that everyone can be reasoned with and then, almost everyone is naturally good hearted towards us. Like Santiago Ramón y Cajal, you can take pride in aiming for success!

    • 偶尔的 冷待一下 热情会有很大的帮助,他使得你放松下注意力,而不是一直集中在你准备学的事情上,

    #life-hack It’s important to learn to switch on an occasional cool dispassion that helps you to not only focus on what you’re trying to learn, but also to tune people out if you discover that their interests lie in undercutting you such undercutting is all too common, as people are often just as competitive as they are cooperative

  • [[September 14th, 2021]]

    • [[Radhika Nagpal]] says demoting the prize, the risk will become less refers to her 7-years Post-Ph.D. at Harvard, I am curious about the prize here, I understood as reward before, but recently, I got a new understanding about this, after I feel happy about the progress about the work I focused on! Yeah, it’s really common for us happy about the progress! To care about the traps in it!
    • 嗟夫!予尝求古仁人之心,或异二者之为,何哉?– 不以物喜,不以己悲
    • You will ge! Someone told me that it’s important that you get small achievements when you do research (or something else, like sports). Yes, It does. However, it does not mean that you could get pride in yourself, here the reasons below.
      • I hung two medals of Kendo on my dorm.
    • Dweck writes in her book MINDSET: THE NEW PSYCHOLOGY OF SUCCESS, the small success will put ourselves in the fixed mindset, not the growth mindsets. General to say, the small step (以物喜) will block you, or make you stand motionless on the spot.
    • Using [[Radhika Nagpal]]‘s way to demote the prize, as Tao Te Ching, 天之道,损有余而补不足, 月盈则亏!
    • 当我们兴致勃勃地做完一件事情的时候,我们就开始寻求奖励,把注意力从专注这件事情上面移开了,当我找我想要找到我想要的材料时,我打算奖励自己一杯咖啡!当我取得某种意义上的成功时,我渴望随着而来的名望,等等。反复出现在我们日常的生活中… …
    • [[Ray Dalio]] 认为 金钱只是在 追求 为他人带来价值时的一个附加品。
    • 同样地,正因为我在做一件有挑战的事情,所以随着事情的进展,快乐,喜悦,悲伤,… 都是做这件事情给我带来的体验!它们是情绪上的奖励,并不需要把它们和实际的事件联系起来,心情好所以买杯咖啡,这掉进了商家的口袋! 难道咖啡是我的目的吗? 或者打破一个 我维持的习惯(rule)?
    • 我们应该去做的事,回到事情本身,反省下自己,有没有进一步的问题,或者降低它的奖励!
Lei Zhang
D.Eng. in Academy for Engineering & Technology

My research interests include robotics manipulation, computer vision.